Fullmetal Alchemist Insomnia: How Our Site Was Named

Fullmetal Alchemist


A Bedtime Story

How Our Site Was Named

A brief and semi-fictionalized account by Ed Pillow and Al Pillow

Once Upon a Time...

Not very Long Ago, actually...

Melody had decided that if she and Tegan were to make a Fullmetal Alchemist site that she would use Ed Pillow and myself as its hosts.

Which shows that she has good taste and discernment.

Anyway, we couldn’t decide what to name the site but Melody insisted that it be something to do with sleep or dreaming.

She couldn’t think of a title she liked but then she remembered a children’s poem about the Sandman and thought that might have some good ideas for the title in it.

So we bravely volunteered to search the length and breadth of the Internet to look for the poem for her.

What a nightmare! We couldn’t find that poem anywhere!

After about an hour of looking we reported the frustrating search to Melody.

Then she said, in joking, “We might as well call it Fullmetal Alchemist Insomnia for all the luck we’re having finding that poem.”

Which we thought was a Good Suggestion. So we went and asked Tegan what she thought and she agreed.

So that’s how this site got its name.

And we all lived happily ever after on the Internet.

That's our story and we're stickin' to it!

The End

Melody and Tegan: Ahem...

Okay, okay—so that’s an Embellished Account of How Our Site Was Named.

It was really Melody chatting online with her friend about the trouble she was having finding that poem and then Melody thought of the name for the site and suggested it to Tegan but we like our story better.