Fullmetal Alchemist Insomnia: Who is Gedney?

Fullmetal Alchemist


Who in the World is Gedney?

And what has he to do with FMA?

An exclusive interview by Ed Pillow and Al Pillow

March 2007

We're here to interview Special Agent Gedney of the Parakeet Investigation Division of the Birds in the Webmistress' Household.

He's the newest member of the Fullmetal Alchemist Insomnia staff. He's in charge of finding new and interesting Fullmetal Alchemist stuff on the Internet.

So, Gedney, tell us about yourself.

I am a multi-talented green parakeet, the youngest one of the four birds in the webmistress' household. I'm almost two years old.

What is your greatest ambition?

I want to be a cockatiel when I grow up.

What's with your strange name?

I was named 'Gedney' in honor of the Gedney Pickle Factory, which has its headquarters in Minnesota, where we live. They specifically bought a green parakeet (me) so they could name him Gedney. That's all they'll tell me about that; it's all very mysterious.

Tell us why you are a part of this site.

But you already know, because you both are my trusty sidekicks and accompany me on my secret missions.

We know that, but for the sake of the people reading this who don't know...

...just pretend we don't and tell us anyway.

Okay: Long before the site was even thought of I woke up one night to the sound of beautiful music.

Yeah, Melody was awake playing some music in the middle of the night while she was working on their first anime site.

I had never taken an interest in music before because I was still a baby bird, only seven months old. But when I heard that beautiful music I just had to wake up to sing with it. It was the first time Melody had ever listened to that song so she played it through a few times. I sang and sang until she took pity on me and stopped playing it so I could go back to sleep, because baby birds need lots of rest.

What song was it?

It was "Far From Home" by Vic Mignogna.

Then what happened?

Well, early the next morning I awoke when I heard the beautiful music again and I sang with it for as long as they played it.

Melody was playing it for Tegan, right?

Right. Melody told Tegan about how I sang with the song during the night. I was singing when I heard Tegan tell Melody that Melody should write to Vic to tell him that his music has "Gedney's Seal of Approval."

When Vic wrote back he said that he was honored to have your Seal of Approval.

Yep! So the reason I'm included in this site is because Vic is one of the voice actors for Fullmetal Alchemist and he's the person who awakened my interest in music so I wanted to help. I like other songs of his like "West Nile Mosquito" and I sing when I hear Vic on TV sometimes too. I am Vic's devoted parakeet fan.

So tell us how you became Special Agent Gedney.

Well, I began my secret life as a Special Agent just last August when I was doing some research to find pictures of voice actors from a variety of anime for Tegan and her friend Sharon when I ran across the date of Vic's birthday. So I told Melody and we all sent birthday greetings to Vic.

Then one night we heard you typing at the computer when you were supposed to be sleeping.

We wondered what you were up to.

Yeah, it became a real problem because I had to wait till Melody went to sleep because she stays up real late every night and I had to be back in my cage before her husband John woke up, and he wakes up real early. Sometimes I barely made it in time.

I remember one time that you wouldn't have made it without our help.

We had to shove you through the door and cover you up real quick and then get back to the couch where we live when we heard John get up earlier than we expected.

That sure was a close one!

The next night you told us how grateful you were for our help and said we could join you on your missions.

So, Gedney, apart from your secret life, what are your hobbies?

I spend most of my time singing to the birdie in the mirror in my cage--it's a really pretty one! (Sometimes we argue but we always work it out.) I say everything the other birds say, including some words in human talk, and I like to be the sounds of John's PDA. The birdie in the mirror is really impressed by that.

Is there anything you'd like to tell our visitors?

Make sure you visit the Disguise Gedney! page. And if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for me you can write to me because I have my very own e-mail address: gedney.p.budgie@gmail.com

We'd like to thank you for taking the time to talk to us, Gedney.

It's been my pleasure.

So what's our mission for tonight?

I'll have to tell you when we're alone. It's a secret.